

Polly the dump puppy

October 9, 2022... Introducing Polly, formerly known as “dump puppy”! ❤️ Polly joined us last Tuesday; filthy, with many sores, and itchy as could be. She’s had a couple baths and is on antibiotics ....

Biggy has parvo

October 8, 2022 Update... Biggie is feeling himself today! 🎉💪 October 6, 2022 Update... We are over the moon this absolutely adorable little guy has survived parvo. It was a rough treatment but he ....

Kiwi (formerly Cassy)

Hello SCARS, Kiwi here! You knew me as Cassy.  I came to give some news, how I'm doing, how my humans are doing... all of this. I love it here. These people are crazy about ....


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