March 21, 2023 Update

My name is Monica, and someone abandoned me and my young kitten (Moxi) in a crate in a parking lot a few weeks ago. Those were desperate days. My fear was deep. Trapped in the cold. Pregnant again. That was before the kindness of strangers and SCARS. Now I am safe, I am loved, and I am a mom again.

I safely delivered 4 sweet new babies. I love them all. There was a 5th babe who was stillborn, I am sad about that to be sure. I also know that this is my last litter, which I am grateful for. We will keep you posted on our progress as the little family grows. Miracles do happen, our happy endings are just around the corner. Forever families keep your eyes open for us.

February 27, 2023 – Not again! Not another one!

Our hearts are broken as we have, yet again, taken in animals that were dumped in a ditch in freezing temperatures. Animals are not disposable. It is a criminal offense to abandon an animal, and there are no words for how unethical and cruel it is.

Before dawn this morning, a driver noticed a small animal kennel in a parking lot and was compelled to stop. Assuming it would be empty, but with an abundance of caution (given the cold), this person decided that checking was the right thing to do. Imagine their shock and dismay to find a mom and kitten trapped inside, along with a heartless message scrawled on the kennel, “2 Girls. Keep them, if you want them. I Don’t.”

We have no words for someone so cold-hearted they would subject innocent animals to such abuse and suffering. Without the keen eye of the driver and their caring actions, these poor animals could have suffered a horrible fate.

Does SCARS have room for them? No, we sure don’t. Did we take them anyway? Yes, we did. Because someone needs to the Next, Good, Right, Kind thing.

Please, if you have room in your heart and your home, consider fostering or adopting. Together, we can let the voice of all that is good be stronger than the voice of those who don’t care.