Volunteer profile: Rene
Meet Renee! Renee is a dedicated volunteer who never says no to cats! She is always on top of her intake forms and between her and her family, they give endless amount of love ....
Volunteer profile: Cassie
Meet Cassie! Cassie is a proud SCARS volunteer and has volunteered with SCARS since March 2014. Cassie said "We initially got involved fostering cats which led us to having our forever foster, Sanctuary cat Phil." ....
Volunteer profile: Lenard
Meet Lenard! We caught up with him to ask him about his journey volunteering with SCARS and this is what he had to say. "After our last puppy past, I decided I wanted to volunteer ....
Volunteer profile: Johanna
Meet Johanna! Johanna started volunteering with SCARS just over a year ago, after she moved to Edmonton from New York. Since then she has been a HUGE asset to our volunteer team. Here is ....
Volunteer profile: John and Cindy
Meet John & Cindy! This dynamic duo have been integral to SCARS for the past 12 years. Both John and Cindy have held many different roles with SCARS. They both have had such a ....