Hi, I am Shadow. I was found all alone and no one was there to claim me. A nice person contacted SCARS to see if they had room for me. I came in at such a young age. I was unable to eat/drink on my own so my foster parents needed to feed me every few hours from a bottle using KMR Milk. I am finally close to eating some kitten wet food, but it has taken some time.
I am a snuggly, playful kitten. Due to me being orphaned, I am your SHADOW. I will follow you wherever you go as I am scared to be left alone. I love people, naps and can be still a feisty wee kitten as well.
I am not yet looking for my forever home, but I will be in about 3-4 weeks. Watch the website for more information on me, and please consider donating to SCARS for little wee ones like me. Without them, I am not sure I would have made it.