Sherwood Park Ford
A huge THANK YOU to everyone at Sherwood Ford for supporting SCARS during the month of April! Adoptable Berkeley was at the dealership yesterday to accept a cheque for ....
A huge THANK YOU to everyone at Sherwood Ford for supporting SCARS during the month of April! Adoptable Berkeley was at the dealership yesterday to accept a cheque for ....
I adopted LuLu 10 years ago in June, just before her first birthday. She joined Chester (black dog in second picture) who is 2 years older and a few ....
It's been a tough road for these tiny pups that came in with the Canine Parvovirus. Seven came into care, four of which came down with the virus and ....
Hi SCARS, In January of 2007 we were looking for a dog on the rescue websites in the Calgary area, and we were finding that any dog we liked ....
Meet Koa and Axel! Koa and Axel came into our care during March 2019. Koa has quickly become mom‘s little girl. Her brother Axel loves to follow and learn ....
My wife Lisa and I adopted Beans on May 11th, 2013 when we went to an adoption event. He was such a scared little puppy back then, it's really ....
Bob Donaldson is a country music artist who has just released a single called “Second Chances (Going Down This Road Again).” At first glance, the single sounds like a ....
The cold and wet weather on May 2, 2019 in Edmonton was more than offset by the warm reception given us at Finning. It was wonderful to meet so ....
Whoopsie, I broke my leg! I am just a pup and didn't know running around moving things was dangerous and a peddle bike fell on me. Now I guess ....
Hi SCARS, Duke was adopted in December 2018 and has made a full recovery since having his leg amputated at 10 months old. He came to us a shy, ....