Hi SCARS. We adopted Sugar (formerly Topaz) in June of 2018 and couldn’t be more in love with her. Even as a puppy, her amazingly calm and sweet temperament was obvious. Over the last year, she has grown to be an absolutely perfect addition to our family. At 90 lbs, she’s a gentle giant who makes everybody who meets her fall in love.
Family and friends will visit just to see the dog! She recently became a big sister when her baby brother was born in April. In true Sugar style, she adapted immediately, and now loves to sniff and lick her little brother’s feet when she can get close enough.
We would love to find out how her siblings are doing these days! She was one of Jade’s (6?) puppies.
Thank you for helping bring her into our lives! We couldn’t have asked for a better fur baby, and are so lucky she chose us.
– Tatiana and Brad Young