Lori Trudgeon

About Lori Trudgeon

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So far Lori Trudgeon has created 859 blog entries.

Marcus and Patrize

Rescue can be rewarding and it can be disheartening, disheartening is the only word to describe our feelings about the rescue of Markus and Patrice. You see RCMP received ....

Marcus and Patrize2020-01-18T14:57:06-07:00

Thank you to Hye Fashion

This holiday season Hye Fashion collected donations for SCARS, Edmonton’s Food Bank, Suit Yourself Edmonton and WIN House. Their generous clients supported the donation drive (called #hyefashiongivesback) and Hye ....

Thank you to Hye Fashion2020-01-18T13:58:13-07:00


Hi SCARS! I have quite the pupdate for you. It’s actually been 8 years since I was last with you. My original name was Venus. My furever family rescued ....



Hi SCARS. I just want to thank you for everything you do daily! And wanted to give you a little update on our sweet little Alaska (we kept her ....



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