January 6 update… Hello SCARS. I just wanted to share some photos of Stevie and his two “also blind” brothers, Mayson (golden) and Ripley (saint x). I adopted Ripley after his owner passed away just over two years ago. My two other dogs get along with him but they won’t actually engage and play with him because they find him big and scary and he didn’t have the best social skills. I always joked and promised Ripley I would get him a giant play buddy one day. And then we got Stevie (formerly Coven) and Ripley’s life has changed. They are absolutely inseparable and spend all their days wrestling playing and napping together. In over two years I have never seen Ripley find a dog that will play with him and I don’t think he has ever been happier (or more tired!). Thank you for bringing this boy into our lives. We love him and Ripley is especially thankful. ❤️ Stevie is currently 15 weeks old and is just shy of 40lbs! – Chayse & Stevie
December 2021… Hello SCARS, Stevie (formerly Coven) has been doing really great and is learning all the ropes from his sighted sister and two new blind brothers. I’ve kind of become the crazy blind-dog lady but I’m perfectly okay with it! Mayson (my golden) and Ripley (Saint Bernard X) are both blind, and were both rescued as well. Their sighted sister (Marley) keeps all the wild boys in line! Stevie loves to play and wrestle and has amazing confidence! I am a dog trainer and Mayson will be going into retirement as my demo dog this year and Stevie is filling those big paws in that role. I have big goals for him to help me show the world that disabled is not a death sentence for dogs and that they all thrive when they find the right home.