October 22, 2021… Meet Coven, this little guy just arrived. From what we can tell he maybe blind.
First stop, vet clinic. We don’t know what this little guy has been through in his short life but we do know he needs your help. Consider donating directly to his care.

October 23rd Update… The vet has confirmed that this wee pup will have to have at least one eye removed. The second eye they’re going to monitor – Likely it’ll be both.

October 29 update… Hi friends, Coven here, just thought I would give you an update. Wednesday was surgery day. Dr. Patty and team at Westlock Veterinary Center did surgery and removed both my eyes. It sounds really shocking to say that! Both eyes! How could that be? But really friends it was the only choice. I had anterior segment dysgenesis. I know big complicated words, that mean the front part of my eyes didn’t form properly before I was born which caused the glaucoma. I have been blind since birth and glaucoma is incredibly painful. From my perspective I was blind before surgery and in terrible pain. I am still blind, but so grateful that the pain is gone. Well mostly gone, I have to heal up from surgery still, but don’t you worry I am getting the very best pain meds around. So what next. SCARS has had blind dogs before, generally, not always, we do best in homes with other dogs to guide us. So I will heal up in a foster home, they will learn more about me and one day you will all see my profile that says it is my turn to find a forever home. Until then I am going to be living my best life with my foster family.

Nov. 7 Coven Pupdate: After double eye surgery and a lengthy recovery – we are so happy to announce that the foster family involved with COVENs care has ultimately decided to keep this handsome dog – FUR-EVER!

Nov 8, 2021 COVEN PUPDATE:
After double eye surgery and a lengthy recovery – we are so happy to announce that the foster family involved with COVEN’s care has ultimately decided to keep this handsome dog – FUR-EVER!