Revali (formerly Rustle)
Hello SCARS! Last year my husband and I adopted a wonderful pup, then named Rustle. His name is now Revali and Oct. 29 is his gotcha day! We are over the moon in love ....
Duchess (formerly Huxley)
Hello SCARS, This beautiful soul came into our lives four years ago. I cannot imagine my life without her. It was the eyes for me. You can truly see her whole heart in her ....
Emergency intake for an injured dog – Lady (RIP)_
October 28, 2022 Update... Sadly we had to say goodbye to Lady last night. ❤️ She came in after being beat up by the other female dog in the yard. She was left for days ....
Pablo has a shattered femur
October 26, 2022 Update... Unfortunately Pablo had to be euthanized today. His injuries were far too substantial to fix. It was tons of internal damage, very sick and frail, and the broken leg was ....
Cat needs emergency paw amputation (Warning: Graphic images)
October 26... * Warning ⛔️ *Graphic Images Ahead * Another emergency: This cat needs an amputation because someone tied an elastic around his front leg.