Lulu (formerly Luna)
Hello SCARS, My fiancé and I adopted Lulu (formerly Luna) five months ago. At the time we weren't looking to adopt. We were worried that a second dog would be more work than we ....
2 cat families rescued
January 8, 2023 Again, SCARS finds itself trying to make room for 2 cat families. Why, you ask? Because someone deliberately threw them away like garbage and left them in a broken crate on ....
Ditch has been rescued
January 3, 2023 Ditch is safe and sound and on a recovery plan, and is seriously the best boy! December 31, 2022 Ditch was found in (you guessed it!) a ditch, by some kind ....
Storm (formerly Missy)
January 3, 2024 Update from Storm (formerly Missy): My follow up X-rays were sent to the amazing surgeon consulting on my case. The news we got was outstanding! My surgeon says my paw/leg looks better ....
Duke and Devin
December 31, 2022 Meet Duke and Devin. Duke was hit by a quad and has an injury between his C7 to T1 to the brachial/plexus radial nerve. Full recovery for him can take between ....