Finn and Bailey (formerly Mork and Mindy)
Hello SCARS, We adopted little Bailey (white-formerly Mindy) and Finn (brown-formerly Mork) on January 2, 2011. My family and I cannot express how much love and joy these two amazing little pups have brought ....
Mana and Sammy
Hello SCARS, In the beginning, Sammy was a little apprehensive of Mana joining the household, but quickly warmed up. The two of them play every day, share bouts of zoomies and nap together as ....
Maurice (formerly Moe)
Hello SCARS, Maurice was adopted by me a few months ago and ever since has been the best part of my day. Moments after arriving at home, he made a nice nest out of ....
Eva’s wounds are being treated – Graphic images
March 28, 2023 - Update - *Warning - Graphic Images Ahead* Hi SCARS family, I wanted to give you a short update on how I’ve been doing! My wounds are healing and my hair ....
Cat and kitten abandoned in a parking lot with a distressing message
March 21, 2023 Update My name is Monica, and someone abandoned me and my young kitten (Moxi) in a crate in a parking lot a few weeks ago. Those were desperate days. My fear ....