

Lily (formerly Cher)

Hi SCARS, This is Lily (formerly known as Cher). We adopted her at the end of April of this year. This spunky girl loves her squeaky toys and playing in the water. She has quite ....

Ben (in memory of)

Hi SCARS, With a heavy heart, we wanted to let you know that Ben, our Shepherd/Collie whom my family adopted from SCARS on July 16, 2005, has passed on! He was 15 years old! He ....

Puppy Rescue Story

We said we had puppies! Now it's time to introduce you to just a few of our newest intakes. Almost two weeks ago SCARS got a call from a man's daughter-in-law explaining that a litter ....

Cat Toy Donation!

Please join us in thanking the 3rd Edmonton Venturer Company for their donation of 165 cat toys. Yes, 165!  For their Queen's Venture Project , the group decided to make a significant donation to a local charity. ....


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