Coronation School Mother’s Day Fundraiser
What can we say but "Wow!" The Grade 4 class at Coronation School made and sold floral planters for Mother's Day with the proceeds of $890 going to SCARS! This unique project earned them ....
Wabasca Wildfire Disaster Response
June 7 update - Yesterday a SCARS team was back up in the Wabasca area checking on pets and feeding horses. A big thank you to Sandy from our partner, Athabasca Vet, for sharing ....
Loppa (formerly Cece)
Loppa (formerly Cece) has been with us for two years. She loves sleeping on top of her big brother Rusty and giving kisses and cuddles to her human family. She's smart, brave, happy, and ....
Hi, I am Harley. I came into care during a SCARS Spay-Neuter-Return event in my community in early May 2019. I was badly injured due to being hit by a car a few days ....
Smokey may have been poisoned
Hello everyone, my name is Smokey and I have had a tough go of it this last few weeks. The good people of the Alberta Spay Neuter Task Force took me in recently and ....