WARNING: Tear jerker alert.

SCARS fam, I’m Marigold. I was found by a SCARS volunteer and brought to the local pound, but no one ever claimed me. Once my hold was up, SCARS took me into care. It was originally thought that I was a senior gal, but it was quickly discovered that I was blind. I had glaucoma and cataracts, and I was not able to see anything. The amount of pain I was in from the pressure building up in my eyes was terrible.

After my foster family had me for a couple of weeks and they could see what I was going through, SCARS and the vet team decided that it would be best for me if my eyes were removed. Keeping my eyes was completely cosmetic. They did not function and they caused me a great deal of pain. Since my surgery I have been my happy self – although I hate this cone! I’m hoping that sharing my story will show people how truly beautiful I am, and help advocate for all animals… no matter what we look like or what disability we have. I know I am beautiful, my foster mom tells me every day.

If you’d be interested in helping SCARS out with my financial costs, please donate to scarscare.ca/donate.