Marcus and Patrize
Rescue can be rewarding and it can be disheartening, disheartening is the only word to describe our feelings about the rescue of Markus and Patrice. You see RCMP received a call and arrived just ....
January extreme cold rescues
January 18... The middle of January 2020 saw Alberta temperatures dip into -30 and -40 C. It was a very busy time for us, assisting in our target communities with dog house deliveries, straw ....
Charleigh’s Birthday Fundraiser
Charleigh has devoted over half her life to helping the SCARS animals. That’s something for her and her family to be proud of. It’s a challenge we should all try to meet. For the ....
Thank you to Hye Fashion
This holiday season Hye Fashion collected donations for SCARS, Edmonton’s Food Bank, Suit Yourself Edmonton and WIN House. Their generous clients supported the donation drive (called #hyefashiongivesback) and Hye Fashion matched those donations! As ....
Sturgeon County Food Drive for SCARS
Thank you to Sturgeon County Kennels for doing a Christmas Donation drive for SCARS. They raised $500 plus collected food and some other items. We are truly grateful.