Lori Trudgeon

About Lori Trudgeon

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So far Lori Trudgeon has created 859 blog entries.

April 7 intake

Yesterday some of our team was hard at work making stops in several of our partnering communities! We saw 18 animals in all - 9 of which are part of ....

April 7 intake2021-04-12T18:38:27-06:00


Poor Sweet Jimmy, just a pup and already life has handed him more than his fair share of troubles. Separated from his litter mates and momma at too early an ....


April 2nd new intakes

Yesterday’s newest intakes! Our volunteers were hard at work in our partnering Northern Communities, bringing in 14 animals. Thank you toZOE's Animal Rescue Societyfor helping us out and taking a ....

April 2nd new intakes2021-04-03T11:47:31-06:00

March 20 intakes

On Thursday, we welcomed 8 cats, 1 adult dog and 4 puppies into the SCARS family! Everyone is doing great and settling in. Keep an eye on our website for ....

March 20 intakes2021-03-27T12:11:04-06:00

March 21 intakes

March 21, 2021. It was a busy end of the week for SCARS volunteers. Friday we saw more intakes - a single little female dog as well as a mom ....

March 21 intakes2021-03-27T12:18:58-06:00


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