May 8 was a busy day for our animal intake team. On the road in a nasty wind, we changed the lives of some needy souls.
A mom and her single pup have found shelter and warmth in our care. A large adult male Pyrenees cross joined our family and now has a comfortable bed and a fresh supply of food. Two homeless cats now have a safe place to rest and plenty to eat. Last, but certainly not least, we got a call to pickup a box of abandoned kittens. We are pretty concerned about the welfare of the kittens, but we will do everything in our power to make their story ending a happy one.
Just a normal day for our front line rescue team! We will be sharing details of these new additions to the SCARS family over the days to come, but tonight we rest knowing that for these animals their lives are forever changed for the better.

May 9 update: The kittens found in a box on the side of the road all have eye infections, but they are doing good. They have to be taught to take a bottle as they cannot eat on their own yet but after just 24 hours we are making progress!