The requests for INTAKE are POURING in… So many medical cases and so many requests for assistance. Our hearts are breaking. Here is one of the many animals that has needed emergency vet care this week. Meet Wolf. She just completed surgery at VCA Canada Guardian Veterinary Centre. The information of the trauma she has sustained from what we assume to be a vehicle is below:
-A hernia and tear in the bladder
-A left hip socket break & left femoral fracture
-Two breaks in the left tibia
-The vet suspects where the spine meets the pelvis, may be damaged. This is usually caused by a very traumatic blow to the hind of an animal.
This vet bill is extreme.
🐾If you can donate to SCARS, to help the sweet girl Wolf please go to
October 21 update… Hi, I’m Wolf. I have had quite the journey! I was run over and very badly injured when SCARS found me. It’s been a tough week. I came to my foster home Saturday. I have my own special room, comfy clean blankets and toys. I have to stay in a kennel most of the day to help all my injuries heal. Its hard for me understand though. I’m so young and have a lot of energy so it’s really hard to stay still all day, but I know I have to try. When I go outside for my potty breaks I always roll over to get belly rubs, those are my favourite. There is just something about a belly rub that makes a girl feel good 🐶♥️. Foster mom has given me some fun chew toys. They have peanut butter in them and treats. It’s fun to find them and it keeps me busy. There are also some fun puzzles that make my brain work, since my legs don’t work very well right now. I have my suture removal and check up next week, then I can hopefully get this cone off and start my at home physical therapy, it will be a long road… but I’m optimistic and think as time goes on I will slowly heal. I know I’m safe, and I know my fosters want what’s best for me, even if I don’t like it at times, so I have to trust them in this journey. Im so thankful to SCARS for helping me, I will update again soon. Thank you for all the donations and all the love, it’s helping me heal. Love, Wolf”
Hi! It’s Wolf! I just wanted to give you an update on my life! I am 3 weeks into care and I’m slowly improving. Sometimes I wish it was a faster process. I tend to forget and can get carried away at times. I had my checkup last week at Guardian to remove the sutures I had in my belly and leg. They also gave my foster home the go ahead on meeting their dogs and getting the cone off. I was separated from the other pups for the first 2 weeks because my wounds were still too fresh and with all the excitement of meeting them, I could have rupture them or I could have re-injured my leg.
My belly is healing nicely after that nasty hernia that I had. However, my leg is a much slower process. I can put some weight on it, but not for very long. I am good at determining when I need breaks, and I sometimes hop on my other leg to relieve the pressure. My foster mom took me on a controlled walk all the way to the corner. I was so excited to see something different other than the backyard. I require controlled leashed exercise, no stairs, and 16 weeks of physio. I hate it by the way. I hate it when my leg gets touched. My foster parents try to follow the vet’s physio plan but sometimes I don’t let them. I often get peanut butter Kong or lick mats to distract me, and that usually helps them.
My foster parents haven’t taken off the cone yet. But, I’m sure they will soon! Crossing my fingers 🤞🏽. Overall I’m a very happy pup wanting to do puppy things but I understand I can’t do it all. It makes me sad, so I can express my discontent by barking. My foster family loves me very much and pet me all the time. I love belly rubs, they’re my favourite thing!
Thanks for watching my story! I’ll come back and update you on my progress in the next few weeks! ❤️ 🐾
Nov. 30 update… Wolf came in with a femoral fracture and a hernia in her bladder after being run over by a vehicle. She required surgery. Wolf could barely put any weight on her leg and was in kennel rest for two weeks. Wolf couldn’t go down or up stairs. 5 weeks after, her leg is not fully healed yet, but she can put weight on it and run (obviously not much and for short periods of time). And she can now do stairs!