This beautiful story was written by SCARS foster Mom, Kim. It is so special that we couldn’t help but share! We are so grateful to the volunteer foster homes who make animal rescue work possible!

“But why don’t you just keep him?

This is Arctic. He came to us as a foster dog through Second Chance Animal Rescue Society on February 12, 2021. Scared and timid. We suspect that he lived his whole life on a chain, outside and alone. He was never able to be a puppy, people were not to be trusted and food was scarce.
And look at him now, six months later. With a lot of patience, time, love and dedication he has become a confident dog. Sweet, affectionate, no longer stressed, he gets lots of exercise, good food, and life is fun again. A house is nice place to be in. People are very sweet after all.
And today he has a meet & greet with the people that may become his new family.
*Swallows, wipes away tears*
But then why not just keep him?
Because there are still so many dogs out there that need our help. Who also need someone to give them a second chance, who doesn’t expect too much but is just sweet and calm. And reliable, encouraging and strong.
Because fostering is hard. I get so attached. Every time I feel very sad when one of our foster dogs goes to his or her new family, as we miss them in ours. But when I see how far they have come I have an enormous feeling of satisfaction and gratefulness and that gives me the strength to continue.
Dear Arctic, we keep our fingers crossed for you and will always be there for you!”
– Kim
***Update: Arctic found his forever home!***