Meet Jody!

I’ve been a volunteer for SCARS since June of this year. I help with social media (Instagram) and fundraising. I’ve been off work due to chronic health issues. Since I’m home I thought I should give back to SCARS, especially since I’ve had the privilege to have the most amazing doggos in my life!

We’ve adopted four dogs since 2009. Our first and oldest, Willy, passed away last November. He got me through my husband going to Afghanistan for 10 months. Willy always knew when I needed a hug, when to make me laugh, or do a cry snuggle. I volunteer so that others can have that type of love and support in their lives as well.

My favourite part of volunteering is when people send me pictures of their SCARS animals and tell me how much they mean to them and how much they love them.

I’m proud to be apart of the SCARS family.