Hi my name is Granite. My mama came to SCARS as stray and I was born in the next few days. My siblings and I got sick with parvovirus. We were all very ill and were hospitalized. It was sad and lonely being stuck in isolation, but the vet staff treated me like the treasure I am. I am much healthier now and I'm starting to show my personality. I am sweet and cute boy who loves to snuggle and give you lots of kisses. I love all my foster family members of adults, and the dogs and cats. My foster mom thinks with a proper introduction I would do ok with little humans but my manners still need working on. I can be jumpy and might be a bit much for really small ones. I am curious pup who loves to give snuggles and kisses. I can be vocal so a detached home with a fenced yard would be great for me. I love playing outside and mostly do my business outdoors. I still use pee pads from time to time but I'm using them a lot less often. I would love a home with an other dog in it so they can show me the ropes. Im learning a lot from my foster siblings and would like a canine friend. I am looking forward to meeting so you can see what a great companion I am. I'm hoping you can find a place in your heart and home for me.

Available for adoption
Adopt Me!
Animal Type(s): Dog
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Approx. date of birth: February 19, 2024
Breed: Shepherd/Mix
Weight: 35.3 lbs
Please note: If other cats/dogs in your home are not spayed/neutered, we may deny your application. SCARS exists due to lack of spaying/neutering and it is our goal to end this cycle. If there is a documented medical reason for your animal to not be spayed/neutered, we will work with you.