October. 22, 2021. The world has not been kind to puppies lately. 🥺Meet TIVA — as you can see she is having trouble walking. Her veterinarian team suspects she was run over on her tail. The tail got pulled causing swelling on the spine which can cause temporary paralysis & usually with time will get better once that swelling goes down. She has been at the vet almost a week and has been improving, so we will continue to give her the care she needs to recover in a foster home. Welcome to safety TIVA!
October 23rd Update! Day 1 in foster home: Tiva is settling in. She interestingly enough doesn’t bend her back knees, so the foster dad is doing neuromovement therapy which is adorable. And now the foster home has yoga mats all over the house. We will update as soon as we can!
Nov. 19, 2021 Tiva Update: She’s doing awesome walking and even sometimes running, and is slowly starting to sit like a normal dog which is adorable and awesome because it means she’s starting to bend both knees.