My world has been topsy turvy and spinning pretty fast for the last little while. It is all turning out for the better, but it has been a lot to take in. My name is now Tahya. I arrived in SCARS care very late at night about 10 days ago (near the end of April 2020). The rescue world is small and SCARS answered the call of another rescue group (Saving Grace) to take some animals that needed help which they did not have space for.

To get to my foster home there were long drives (all the way from Saskatchewan). multiple transfers between vehicles, and finally the last long ride to my new spot with a comfortable bed, food and water. I was exhausted and just a little nervous, but handled all the changes and the strangers with calm acceptance.

I had never been on a leash before so my foster Mom had to carry me, as I was just too scared to walk. She suspected the moment she picked me up that I was pregnant. My belly was just a bit too big for a skinny dog. After a few days of settling in, I went to the vet clinic for a check-up. The vets confirmed that Foster Mom was right – I am going to be a Mom myself!

Because no one knows my history it is a bit of a guessing game, but x-rays can pick up the outline of the puppies skeletons at 44 days of pregnancy. My x-rays show definite backbones, so we know I am at least 44 days pregnant (normal gestation for a dog is somewhere between 60 and 68 days). So sometime in the month of May SCARS will be welcoming a new family.

I am so fortunate, I am now getting high-quality food to help my growing puppies and give me the strength and nourishment I need to be a good mom. I am in a safe spot where my puppies will be born without the fear of predators or other dogs attacking them. I am close to medical care if that is needed and my puppies will have a bright future.


We are so excited to announce our newest additions to our SCARS Family.As you know, Tahya came in – very pregnant. We gave her a warm place to stay and showed her lots of love. Eight puppies born in May 19 between 2:15 and 5:15. There is 6 beautiful girls and 2 handsome boys!