Hi there. A lot has happened to me in the last couple of weeks and I’m not sure where to start. You see, I’m getting on in years and a couple of weeks ago was surrendered to the pound because I was too old. I sat there so so confused wondering where my family went and unsure what I did wrong.

Then one day, a nice lady named Sylvia from SCARS showed up and and away I went for a vehicle ride. She said I was on my way to my new foster home. Before that though, we had to make a stop at the Westlock Veterinary Center. You see, when I came in my dew claws were embedded into my pads and they were badly infected so they needed to be attended to.  That done, I got in another vehicle and off I went to my new home.

While getting settled, foster mom realized I was so badly matted that it actually looked like it hurt so the next day she sent a message off to Lisa at Fergie Furs Grooming Studio. She fit us in at the end of the day and worked into the evening so I could feel better. While I was stressed, I so appreciate that groom and feel much better.

I’m still trying to settle in and find my space. Foster moms says I am so sweet. I like my dog friends here and really just ignore the cat. I’m not keen on going into  buildings. Seems like I have likely never been inside. I’m fostered in the country and I do like that. For now I’m on a medical hold until I get all checked out. I’m off to the vet next week for my medival. It looks like I will need some extensive dental work as well as a growth removed from my eyelid. Foster mom will update as soon as we know more.

Please do not apply for me just yet, I will be available soon! I promise.