To the untrained eye, I might appear to be an ordinary kitten but I’m actually a super hero. They call me Bat Girl and you won’t believe what happened to me the other day. I was out performing my duties as a champion of the universe, when suddenly the tables were turned. I don’t remember what happened, but somehow I ended up on the side of the road with a broken jaw. To make matters worse, my arch nemesis Big Black Crow took advantage of my inability to defend myself and pecked at my face. He was probably looking for the source of my super powers so he could steal them for himself. A wonderful passer-by took me to Westlock Veterinary Center where they have a super hero of another sort. The vet there wired my jaw together and stitched up my face. Since then, I’ve been doing some thinking and I’ve decided that it’s time to trade in my super hero cape for a super-soft blanket. If you’re looking for a sweet, retired defender of the down-trodden, I might just be the girl for you.