Introducing Stevie The Wonder Cat! SCARS got a call from one of our partner kennels about a sweet senior cat estimated to be between 10-12 years old. Immediately, the wheels were put into motion to get this senior fellow into care. Our volunteer driver contacted the foster home who would be taking him, with an urgent message. “He needs a vet, and he needs antibiotics now!” This sweet soul had a mouth full of rotted, broken, and infected teeth and he was at serious risk of systemic infection. Except his mouth wasn’t quite full. Some of his teeth were already gone. Thankfully the vet clinic was able to perform emergency dental surgery the very next morning and remove the remaining 13 teeth and bless him with the name Stevie The Wonder Cat. What happened to the other 17 teeth that he had already lost, we’ll never know. But we do know he is settling in well, taking his post-surgical medications great, eating and using his litter box like a champ, and rewarding his foster momma with cuddles and purrs. The emergency vet bills totalled over $1,200 for this boy alone.