Hello SCARS, “Stella is an awesome dog!” That’s what her write up said on the SCARS website when I came across her photo.

She looked so familiar to me, I was instantly drawn to her. They were right. Stella was an awesome dog. For 9 years she was my everything. She was the epitome of joy. So happy and friendly to everyone, kids, cats, and of course… doggies. If I was having a bad day I thought of her, her smiling face, her excited wiggles, and I instantly felt better. She loved to run, run like the wind, so fast I think she thought she could fly! We loved going to Terwillegar off-leash park and spending hours and hours there,  running and swimming and sniffing…. it was our favourite place.

We went there the day before I had to let her go. She had developed a large tumor in her chest and there was nothing I could do. She had lots of visitors in her final days, including people who loved her as I did. She touched so many people with her sweetness and her goofiness.

Saying goodbye was so hard,  I will never be the same without her, but I am grateful I found her and got to spend so many great years with her.  She changed my life.  Thank you SCARS for sending me my angel. I just wish they never had to go back to heaven.