This is Star’s Story.

Sept. 22/18 update: For the last 10 days it has been a hard fought battle to save my life.  The traumatic injury caused by the ricocheting bullet combined with the aggressive infection have seemed at times impossible to overcome. Day after day my blood work showed I was not gaining any ground with high white counts and anemic level red counts.  The journey has been tough, but I guess I am tougher. Each day my spirits have improved, I started eating and drinking, and finally, finally today my blood test results showed we are getting ahead of the infection. As a newly minted SCARS dog I can not thank the Veterinarians and Animal Health Technologists at the Westlock Vet Center enough for making the call to SCARS to take me and then giving me everything I needed to survive.  Thank you to Dr. Cali Lewis and Dr. Tannis Jackson for your tremendous surgical skill to put me back together again. Two very challenging surgeries, without which I would not be here. Thank you also to the incredible team of Animal Health Technologists who have treated me as if I was their own pet and given me the will to live. Special shout out to AHT Dasha for all the extra time and care you have given me, not to mention the pocketful of treats you have at the ready.  There may be set backs ahead, but my new SCARS family is now optimistic there will be a happy ending to my story.  They tell me I will soon be looking for a foster home and hopefully after that a forever spot in someone’s heart.  There is so much good in the world and I am so happy to celebrate my change in fortunes and my future.

Sept 17/18 – Last week SCARS was contacted by a vet clinic about a lovely female husky that was brought in with an unknown injury to her abdomen. Knowing this dog needed help, the vet called SCARS to see if we would take her.

Of course we said yes and Star was immediately prepped for surgery. X-rays showed that the injuries were from a bullet that had ricocheted up into her abdomen and came to a rest in her pelvis. Surgery took 3 hours; repairing and removing parts of the intestine and uterus that had been ripped apart. But Star was a trooper and made it through.

The next day, however, Star crashed and was rushed back into surgery where the vets repaired more perforated intestine. Once again, Star made it through and is now slowly improving. She has a long road to recovery, but we are all hopeful that this shining star will keep fighting.

Please consider donating towards Star’s care.