December 4, 2022 Update…

Squirrely is feeling way better after and getting to go for walks again! No walks since October has been the hardest part, she loves seeing people and dog friends.
To make sure she doesn’t miss anyone, she stops her walk when she sees a car parking. Then she waits for the neighbours to get out of their cars so she can say hi and get cuddles. To keep her warm on her shaved leg and to prevent licking of the surgery spot, she’s got a nice plaid shirt. Of course she’s been watching World Cup and waiting for Santa. Thanks for all the support!

November 12, 2022…

This is Squirrely’s story: *Warning Graphic Images Ahead*
Approximately nine  years ago, we spayed Squirrely as part of our spay/neuter program. A few months ago her owner sadly had to surrender her for personal reasons. Squirrely has always been near and dear to our hearts so we did not hesitate to help. Squirrely had come in with a very large mass on her front leg. It turned out to be a soft tissue sarcoma. Thankfully they are locally aggressive masses but typically have low rates of spread to other parts of the body. After a consultation with a specialist at Guardian Vet Centre we decided that we would remove the mass, bandage for a few weeks and then do a skin graft. Today Squirrely received her skin graft. Now we wait to see how the healing goes. To donate to her care: