February 6, 2025 Update
Slim Jim’s eye just wasn’t responding to any other options. Please send him lots of good vibes in his recovery.
January 28, 2025 Update
Slim Jim is growing like a weed! He’s gaining weight and was healthy enough to get his shots and neuter done! Unfortunately, his also required surgery for his damaged left eye/ulcer. They cleaned it up as much as possible and then did a third eye flap to cover it up for the next six weeks while he heals in a cone.
January 5, 2025
And then there was just me…
In the cold.
In a ditch.
In the dark.
My brother hung on as long as he could, but the cold, his illness, starvation … they were just too much for him …. he curled up, went to sleep, and never woke up.
That left me, frightened, losing strength and hope, and so sadly alone.
Dawn came.
I had survived the night, but my spirit was fading. What I needed was a miracle.
Do you believe in miracles?
I do….now. I didn’t before, but I do, now.
Mine started with a person who saw my plight and took action. Not on their watch would I die in the cold in a ditch. They took me to the nearest veterinary clinic, who called SCARS, and asked for help on my behalf.
The call was a tough one. He is emaciated. He has respiratory issues. He has been in the cold for a long time. His brother passed before he was found. Some of his symptoms might indicate Distemper. (Distemper is a horrible, usually fatal disease) Are you willing to take a chance?
Yes. Emphatically, yes.
Do the test for Distemper, give him a name so he knows he matters, and we will hope for the best.
Meds, hydration, food, and warmth. And of course a name….Slim Jim.
A SCARS volunteer with a huge heart opened her home to this lost soul. No matter the outcome, Slim Jim, you will know love.
Do you believe in miracles?
I do, now. I didn’t before.
That Distemper test came back negative.
Miracles happen!
They happen because people like you donate, foster, volunteer, and, above all, care.
Thank you for being there for animals like me. You have given me my Second Chance.