Hello SCARS, I’ve got a “Look at Me Now” update for “Brodie,” who we adopted about two months ago. Brodie came home with us the day we met him, and he is now know as Shiloh, which is a variation of the Navajo word for brother.

Shiloh has enthusiastically embraced his new family and especially his older brother, Indy, who shows him all sorts of wonderful adventures! His caution was quickly replaced with curiosity for his new life, although he does like to keep us on our toes when he comes into the room chewing a mystery item (he even ventured into chewing an entire DVD case when mom and dad weren’t home! Lol!)

His favourite things are learning some really fun tricks, especially when he gets treats for them! He loves to have big wrestles and play tug o war with his big brother, and he especially loves meeting so many new doggy friends around town when we go for walks! The cold must be very comfy for him, because a crisp -30 seems to be the perfect time for him to sit in the snow and chew on some bones! Life is pretty relaxing when there’s lots and lots of cuddles, yummy food, and so many new friends!

Thank you for everything you all do to set these little guys up in their forever homes!