The phrase may be “It’s raining cats and dogs”, but lately it seems like it’s raining cats and kittens at SCARS!

Recently SCARS got a call about a home with many cats and the occupants were moving, but the cats and kittens would be staying behind. We didn’t have much time to rescue these felines, so right away Sylvia immediately grabbed as many cat carriers as she could, and got on the road quickly.

When she arrived, she was disheartened to find adult males, adult females, 4 week old kittens, and most heartbreaking – kittens less then a week old living on a dirty mattress which would put them at great risk of infections or even worse, a fall that would likely end with broken bones, if not worse.

With a coordinated effort from the rest of the SCARS team, our foster homes got ready for an influx of felines, and they have all now been placed in safe and sanitary foster homes where they will be provided with clean bedding and litter boxes, medical care, and nutritious food.

In total, we helped 3 momma cats, the 7 one week old kittens, the 3 four week kittens and the 4 adult males. If you’re counting along, that’s 17 new members of the SCARS family.

If you’ve ever thought about fostering, donating, or adopting… we need you.