June update: “Hi everyone! My name is Score, you might remember me from my intake photos in late April. I’ve got some great news about my new lease on life– I’ve recently gained 10 Ibs and am well on my way to becoming a healthy weight for my size. When I was first picked up by SCARS, I was deathly thin and scarred all over from trying to get food and shelter . After a few weeks at my foster home, I feel waaay better! My foster mom says that I’m the sweetest dog ever. I’m on meds for my heart murmur and seem to be doing great. If my pictures or story touch your heart, I’m available for adoption at https://adopt.scarscare.ca/animal/score/

May 2018 – Hi my name is Score. Not because I’m chocolate brown like a Score bar but because I’ve finally scored a big win in a life that’s been really hard. My foster mom told me that half of the rescue people in Alberta were FaceBooking back and forth when I was found, trying to get me to safety. Truly I was ready to give up on life because I didn’t know that kind people existed. I thank them all so much for working together to get me a place with SCARS.

My body is beyond emaciated – SO thin and hungry!! Scrounging for food through a long winter took its toll. My face is covered in “war wounds”. Proof that I had to fight for resources like food and shelter.
Even though I’m only about 2 years old, I have raised a few puppies. Thankfully those days are over and I’ll be spayed once I’m at a healthy weight.

At my vet check, the doctors found that I have a stage 5 heart murmur and a slightly enlarged heart. Now I’m on heart medication and they will do monthly checks to monitor me but say that I shouldn’t be overly concerned. Many dogs, cats and humans have heart murmurs and live normal lives. I SO want to have a normal life with all of the “luxuries” that I’ve missed so far.