February 23, 2022… Meet Sara!
My Story: Chapter 1 – I was dog. No name, not wanted, not enough food, not cared for, and certainly not loved. Just a dog in a pack of dogs. Food was a constant struggle as the scars on my face will attest to. Chapter 2 – I am SARA now. A dog with a name who has a warm bed, lots of food and treats. I am cared for and I am loved. I would like to say that I have embraced these changes and for the most part I have but once in awhile my old past creeps up. Like food for example…it needs to be in a space where I am not having to share it with other dogs. I like other dogs but definitely need to meet them slowly.

I need you to be patient as I learn about trust and positive reinforcement when learning commands, crates and leashes. Foster mom is working at showing me how to be brave, strong and proud instead of fearful and timid. She says to do everything with praise, understanding and assurance I am loved. Chapter 3 – Insert (my new forever name). I’m YOUR dog and YOU are my people. Let the forever story begin: https://adopt.scarscare.ca/view-animal/?scars_id=50074738