From Skype’s foster mom (SCARS President, Sylvia Christiansen):

Hello, I am very sad to let you know, Skype, one of the SCARS’ sanctuary animals, has passed away from cancer. Several months ago we had removed her spleen which had a large tumor on it. I had hoped that cancer would not return but sadly it did.

Skype had been with me since 2013. She came to us from a pet wellness clinic of the Canadian Animal Task Force. She had been hit by a vehicle and needed a leg amputated. She was also feral. So she was not the most cooperative dog to work with at the beginning. Who could blame her? I so badly wanted to hug her because she was just the cutest dog ever, even though she would surely rip my head off if I tried. I found her personality enduring and loved the challenge of being able to work with her until she was adoptable. LOL! She was never adoptable but as the years went on she loved going for walks with me and her best buddy, Trotsky, who misses her terribly.

She tolerated my petting her, and I want to believe secretly enjoyed it. I think I enjoyed it more than she did. However, she showed me her affection in other ways. She was excited to see me and did a happy dance and some talking. She was a very smart girl. I enjoyed her every day and will miss her every day.

I did get to hug her in her last moments.