February 2024… One of our Athabasca area volunteers, Richard Nolan, just released their solo music album titled “Odyssey” which is now available on all streaming platforms.

Richard has been a regular volunteer for almost two years and enjoys coming out and walking our dogs, who he loves. He and his wife Laine (who works at the Athabasca Facility) have fostered and adopted from SCARS, and hope to help raise funds and awareness of the crisis happening around us. He is pledging to donate every dollar made from his album sales/streaming profits (through to the end of March) to Second Chance Animal Rescue Society, with the goal of purchasing a one year platinum sponsorship or better!

He is also playing a benefit concert on February 10th at Neighbours Pub in Athabasca where all proceeds are being donated to scars to help bolster both funding and awareness.

Check it out the album on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, and YouTube.