Riblet here! I am still learning that I won’t ever have to go hungry again. I am working on my food aggression, but it’ll take time. I have learned the word, “kennel!” and will bolt to it anytime my family says. It’s quite funny for them, but I’m proud that I’ve learned the word. I love my afternoon naps and my evening sleeps. I’m a good sleeper but when you leave I get sad. I just want to be with you, or come with you. I’m a pro at getting my baths and taking my medicine. My skin feels so much better. I’m not yet available for adoption but I head to the vet next week – hoping for some good news that I can finally find my forever home.
Thanks for all the support during this journey.
Note: Click here to see more about me and Agatha (another dog with mange).
February 14 update… Riblet here! Wish me luck! This week I have a followup checkup at the vet! Things are still a bit itchy but it’s getting substantially better with the medicine and baths. I want to thank my foster family for choose me and for all the donations from SCARS’ supporters!