Every Animal Rescue Group in Alberta is being overwhelmed with requests for help, it isn’t just here at SCARS.
Emails, calls, messages, pounds overflowing, the lists of animals in need keeps growing. We don’t know exactly why the demand for assistance has surged, but it has.
At the heart of every group is the deep desire to change the world for these homeless, helpless animals for the better. Imagine, if you can, the heartache and distress the front line intake team experiences when they are unable to help the multitude of animals whose lives depend on us. When they walk away from noses pressed against the wire fence, knowing there isn’t room.
The faces you see in the pictures are not half a world away, they are here, a few hours drive from where you live and They Need Your Help.
How, you ask?
🐾🐾Adopt – now is an amazing time to adopt a forever pet for your family. You won’t regret the love. (Apply online and/or come to our adoption event on Sept 11: https://adopt.scarscare.ca/event/adoption-event-2/)
🐾🐾Foster – you can give safe haven to a deserving animal. You get a front row seat to witness an amazing transformation as they realize they are valued. (https://adopt.scarscare.ca/event/foster-home-orientation-4/)
🐾🐾Share this post – Maybe the time isn’t perfect for you, but maybe in your network, the perfect family is seeking the perfect pet.
🐾🐾If you haven’t already spay and neuter your pet – there isn’t a need for more unplanned litters
Support the spay/neuter program to help control the population.
Your small action has a ripple effect. Adopt an animal and you save another life. Foster and you will save many lives. ❤️🐾
Thank you.