August 19! I have been adopted by a wonderful family! Read my Look at Me Now update!

August 3: I went to the vet this week to get my staples out! Foster mom says I did awesome. I liked going in the car and I even met a cat at the clinic, but he didn’t interest me. I’m healing nicely and even putting on some weight. I took my first walk around the block this week too. I was scared at the beginning and wanted to get back inside. Then I was happy to walk, and then scared again at the corner, and then very happy to walk. It’s going to take me time to learn to trust my surroundings in life. Loud noises scare me but talking to me in a calm voice helps! I’m pretty excited to announce that I will be featured on Global TV Edmonton at 09:50 on August 4!

July 27 update: I’m starting to feel happier. For the first time, I’m enjoying my foster home’s yard on my own! YAY!

July 24 update: Hi everyone, Rambo here! My surgeries are healing very well and I’m starting to walk on my injured leg. I still much prefer being indoors, but I’m starting to explore my new yard a bit. Foster mom and I spent a bit of time hanging out today on the lawn. She gently brushed me and I must admit I really enjoyed it. She says my fur is in pitiful condition but it will improve as I continue to recover. I’m not into playing with toys yet, but hopefully I will begin to figure out their purpose. I’m a very quiet dog so far. Not a peep out of me even when new people enter the house. Foster mom says she will be overjoyed when she finally sees a glint of happiness in my eye! For now, she is settling for minor improvements such as noticing that my ears are starting to perk up a bit and move forward when she talks to me!

July 18/19 – Hi everyone, I’m Rambo. I’m a male rottweiler cross that is currently 60 lbs and maybe a year old. I am very skinny and will likely end up being a solid 80 pounds of more when I’m recovered.

I got my name because I’m a survivor and a bit of a tough guy! In fact, that is probably an understatement. For a younger dog, I have already been through hell and back. My story is very sad.

I came to SCARS as a surrender through a recent Alberta Spay Neuter Task Force pet wellness clinic at a rural community.

As an unneutered male dog, I was likely considered a nuisance in my community. But really I was just trying to find my place in the world and fill my hungry belly. I’m very skinny so I wasn’t having much luck in that regard. Bad luck turned to worse when someone shot me in the face. The BBs destroyed my eye and filled my mouth and body. And then my luck got even worse when I broke my femur after likely being hit by a car. But that’s when SCARS came into my life. They love to help dogs like me!

A volunteer drove me to the kind folks at the Guardian Veterinary Centre. They performed surgery to remove my eye and also removed some BBs that were lodged under my tongue (ouch!). They also fixed my broken leg and neutered me!

You would think — having been through a lot of pain — that I would be as gruff as my name. But I’m actually a very sweet, mellow boy who loves attention. I’m just so glad to finally feel safe and especially happy to have food. Did I mention how skinny I am?

I will be moving to a SCARS foster home in the near future where they will get to know me and give me the time I need to recover and put on some weight. Then I will be available for adoption! I’m a medium sized dog that is likely a shepherd/rotti mix and probably under a year old. Watch for me soon on their website!

I’m so glad that SCARS helped me! Please donate to SCARS as my vet bills will be very expensive.