The families of Athabasca Extendicare—a long-term care facility—would like to thank SCARS for the puppy visit last week. There is nothing like nine visiting pups to get the residents reminiscing about farm dogs they have known, sled dogs they once trained and canine friends they miss dearly.

There were some tough farm fellers that grinned none stop while holding a sleepy bundle of fur on their laps. A few residents that hadn’t planned to get out of bed decided they would if it meant they could get in a longer visit. Not to worry, pups were taken room to room so everyone would get a chance to visit. One lady summed it up perfectly by saying, “a puppy is better than a dozen pills”!

These nine pups and their mom were found under an abandoned trailer and brought into SCARS care. They have a few weeks yet to go before they will be ready for adoption and added to the adoptable pets on the website. Mom perhaps a bit longer since she is the one who needs to gain the most weight.