December 6, 2023 Update
My emergency surgery went well, and I was released to SCARS’ care. I went first to the Rescue Center as no foster homes were open. It is the season of miracles, and although I have used up a couple of miracles this last week, why not hope for one more? And you know what, it happened. I got a foster home today!
This person fosters full-time for SCARS, and after years of experience, they know December is a particularly difficult month when adoptions slow and the need rises. 🎁 As a gift to animals, each year, they take in one extra foster, and this year, it is me. They say there is always room for one more. Tonight, I have a bed just for me, special food, safety, and friends (dog and human).
🐾🎄In the spirit of the season, maybe consider opening your home by adopting someone like me. I am just the sweetest everyone says.
December 2, 2023
Meet Priya:
In my heart of hearts, I know most people are good. For every bad thing that happens, there are those who stand up and say, “No more. No more shall you suffer, no more shall you be mistreated.”
I have experienced both bad and good in my life. Take one look at my pictures and see the sorrow in my eyes. I was abandoned at a vet clinic and required an emergency spay. The veterinary clinic was put in an awful position; a beautiful animal needing care, pleading for someone to say I have value and my life is worth saving, and yet I was abandoned. That was until that phone call. The phone call to SCARS that confirmed my belief that angels walk among us. No animal left behind. They would cover my care and find a spot for me.
I have so much recovering to do. Yes, I am as malnourished as the pictures show. It is a long road ahead, but I know I have a family now, the SCARS family, to help me find my way. In my heart of hearts, I know most people are good. My thanks to each and every one of you who support SCARS. Today, you saved my life.