It is often hard to believe certain things happen just by simple chance. (**Warning Graphic Photos)

Pip was just a young kitten who suffered a life-threatening injury but found her way to the right road, in front of the right car, being driven but 2 of the kindest people. They didn’t drive by, they stopped to see if the little cat that had bolted across the road in the middle of rural Alberta was healthy or lost.

She wasn’t healthy, she was sitting in the ditch meowing and they noticed an injury on her back end. They scooped her up and brought her with them. On closer inspection it looked like something had tried to rip Pip’s tail off!

They called Westlock Veterinary Center immediately and drove her in for emergency surgery. Despite her injuries Pip enjoyed the ride in a volunteer’s lap purring away.

Pip had her tail amputated and she was watched closely to make sure she still had control over her bowels and the wound did not become infected.

We are very happy to say she is now doing well, using her litter box like a champ and making new friends. She should be ready to move to a foster home in a week or so once she has had more time to heal under close supervision.

Please consider donating to our “Pat It Forward” Campaign to help cover our medical costs for cats like Pip and start them on a path to a loving home like yours.