August 19, 2024

In animal rescue, we so often say it takes a village. These aren’t empty words. It truly takes a village to save a life.

Peter here. I am just a young guy with no fixed address. Looks like I have been living pretty rough for a while. Hungry, I decided to tackle a porcupine. I am sure you all understand what a mistake that was. Sure wish I knew then what I know now. Big mistake, big consequences.

I wandered to a community elder’s address. With limited resources of his own, he knew he had to find help or I would die. He started phoning… no sorry we are full…. unfortunately we don’t have the resources to assist… no there isn’t anything we can do. Seemingly hopeless, as animal rescue in Alberta deals with an ongoing crisis. But then he dialed SCARS. He told his story and mine one more time. Not an area SCARS normally partners with, but the story and the need were compelling and SCARS said yes!

The village had already started with the elder’s care, and it continued with coordinators, drivers, vets, social media teams, and animal care staff. To get me from death’s door, to believing I am worthy of a future.

And none of it would happen without the love and kindness of our supporters. People just like you, who say animal lives matter. I have started my healing journey!