Jan. 22, 2022… Hello! My name is Patty and I was surrendered to a rural pound because I was too old, but I’m not sure how old I am – I could be between 9-13 years old. It’s been quite a journey these last few days for me. Taken from everything that was familiar to me and encountering strange people, places, noises and taken into a new home. But, I am so happy to see and meet everyone along my journey, I just love people. The way I walk was immediately noticed by the SCARS intake team. They thought it would be a good idea to have me checked out. I met the veterinarian at North Central Animal Hospital and he said I have quite a lot going on. He didn’t want to take x-rays right now, because of my pain but did an exam and some blood work. I have poor muscle mass or as he said, muscle wasting. The vet believes it could be because I am so thin or it could be related to medical conditions. My foster family is making sure I have small regular meals to help get some weight on me. I just want to eat it all so quickly! I also have a lot of wear on my teeth with some that have fractures. I might have been chewing things that were very hard, probably things I was not supposed to chew. Then there is my legs. I have a cranial cruciate ligament tear on my right back leg as well as osteoarthritis in my hips, more on the left side but today is all about relieving my pain. For now, I will have weekly injections for the arthritis as well as daily medications to help with pain management. My foster family has already seen improvements! I am starting to explore more and I have the best room in the house. I have the most soft and cozy bed and I have everything I need. I am just so happy when I eat or have fresh water my tail doesn’t stop wagging and tapping the nearby walls. I have a long journey ahead, lots of vet visits and follow up. I am so very thankful to everyone I have met along my journey. I feel safe, secure and appreciate all the luxuries – I feel like a queen.
** Not yet available for adoption.**

February 3rd update… Hello everyone! Patty here. Well, a little over one week later and I am feeling much better and settled. I just got back from the vet for my weekly injection. They love me there! It turns out, all the great regular meals I have been getting has helped me have gain 1 KG in a week! My pain is better managed now, too. I am still a little wobbly with my back legs, or they just give out at times, but I am still the happiest puppers! This only happens sometimes. I’m still a little uncertain about the house. My favourite rooms are the kitchen where I get meals and the living room. I am still a little leery about exploring much past those rooms, even though the humans keep telling me it’s OK. I like my bed and the carpet by the door. The resident dog doesn’t seem to bad either. Thank you for all your kind words it really lifted my spirits! xoxo Patty.