Parvo! The mention of it stops the seasoned rescuer in their tracks.

Earlier this week SCARS intake team saved 7 pups from the crushing cold, one of their siblings was dead and the other missing presumably also succumbed to the cold. With hope in our hearts and the belief that everything would be better now we delivered the pups to the loving arms of 3 foster homes. Food, warmth, shelter, love, we hoped it would be enough.

Alas, one day into care the first pup showed signs of Parvo. Our experienced foster home wasted not a moment & hurried her new foster pup to our friends at the Westlock Veterinary Center. The test confirmed her worst fears, positive for Parvo. One by one the other litter mates have fallen ill. Seven babies in from the cold, but now all in the fight for their lives.

We have faith in our experienced veterinary care team, they have pulled so many Parvo pups through for us, but this is a wickedly tough disease for puppies to survive. Already malnourished they have few reserves to call on, their only hope is the supportive care we can give them. Right now we are hoping for a Miracle and sadly Money.

The Miracle they have the heart to survive and the money (each pup if it lives will likely have medical bills around $1000) to get them through.

These sweet souls have never asked for anything in life, but they desperately need you now.

Parvo Pupdate Jan 23rd
Everyone who is following the status of the SCARS Parvo pups will know that Chachi was too weak and compromised to fight any longer. He sadly passed over the rainbow bridge on Tuesday morning.

There were smiles today though as Joanie, Fonzie and Selena were able to return to their foster homes. The way they ran around and literally bounced off the walls was amazing to see. Such happy pups!! So glad to be out of the ISO room. It’s hard to believe they were struggling for life a couple of days ago. Selena is missing her brother Bruce a bit. Fonzie and Joanie are happily tearing through the yard, enjoying the snow.

Unfortunately Maverick, Oscar and Bruce aren’t ready to come home just yet. They’re still on IV fluids and haven’t quite committed to eating any solid food. Once they’re eating, drinking and all systems working, they’ll be able to come home. Two foster homes are hoping that the wait won’t be too long.

Thank-you to everyone who has donated, prayed, sent good vibes, commented or otherwise supported us through the last 8 days. It means the world to the foster homes to have people sharing their worry.