Hi SCARS! My name is Jenny, my hubby Raf and I adopted Jill, now known as Ozzy, at the beginning of June. We wanted to send you a little pupdate on how she is doing.

She’s an amazing little dog overall. She is learning lots of tricks. She has sit, shake a paw, and watch, down. We are working on our other commands and have almost nailed down, and leave it. We will be starting puppy obedience classes at the Edmonton Humane Society at the end of the month which will be helpful for everyone! She sits and waits for her food, walks really well on her leash, and does really well in her crate. She’s done great with her housetraining with few accidents and none for weeks now.

She’s been to the vet a couple of times and is in great health overall. I’d say she’s up just over 20 lbs or so (she was 17 mid July) and she’s long and short! She’s almost six months now so she will grow a little bit more. She may have some nerve damage to her back feet from her frostbite but it’s nothing that slows her down so far. Her tail hasn’t been a problem and is still bald on the very end but as her adult coat has come in, it’s mostly grown in and been covered by longer hair on her back end. She has a lovely coat, and a funny little scraggly beard and brows. Her terrier definitely shows. She has a very slight underbite which gives her the appearance of smiling at you.

As I said, she’s just the greatest little dog and everyone around here (with the exception of the cat) adores her. Her kitty sister Bandit dislikes her so far, but we hope her feelings will warm as Ozzy’s puppy energy fades with time.

Thank you so much for all that you did to save our dog’s life, and bring her to us. In the four short months she’s been with us she has come to be a treasured member of our family. We are so grateful that people like you are out there doing this amazing rescue work and helping families to grow. Thank you for helping our girl get her second chance and for giving us a chance as her pawrents. You’ll be happy to know she is completely spoiled in every way and is loved dearly.

I’ve attached some pictures, enjoy!

Jenny, Raf and Ozzy