Hello SCARS, We’ve had Miss Ollie (formerly Courtney Love) for just over two years, and we cannot imagine a life without her. We wanted a chatty and sassy dog and let me tell you, we got EXACTLY what we wished for and more. She makes us laugh on the daily and is so smart we have almost run out of things to teach her! She loves playing hide and seek and gives all her favourite people squeals when she sees them (we call them ET sounds). She will definitely let you know when she wants attention and loves nuzzling her face in your neck. Not one for actual cuddles though, sadly, but she will let you hold her paw or bump you when she wants affection. Cannot even begin to explain the impact she’s made on us, we’re so happy she stole our hearts from day one.

Life wouldn’t be the same without her, thanks for helping us find that missing piece. So grateful we are a part of the SCARS family.