Hello SCARS, We adopted Nola, a Catahoula cross, in August 2015 when she was about 2 years old after her recent litter was adopted out. We had actually called about a different dog but after describing our family and household to the foster Mom, she thought we should meet Nola. We went that night to meet her and the rest is history! We loved that she was named after New Orleans and kept her name. She has brought us so much joy! From the moment she arrived at our family it felt like she was meant to be a part of it. Nola is everyone’s friend, always ready for adventure, LOVES the lake, and sports a perma-wag. Our kids are so blessed to start and end their days giving hugs and kisses to Nola. We know people love puppies, but our experience of adopting a mature dog was so fantastic. Thank you to Heather and all of SCARS for helping us find the BEST family dog!