SCARS 20th Anniversary!
Did you know that we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary this year?! For the next upcoming Fridays, all year long, we will be showcasing some of our memories as a FLASHBACK FRIDAY! Some fun facts: ....
Heroes and Miracles
March 2022... Heroes and Miracles. It is a miracle I am alive and I owe it all to a group of people who would say they were just doing their job. They are, however, true ....
Cookie and Cream
Hello SCARS, Cookie and Cream here. Our Gramma and Grampa adopted us two years ago. They fell in love with us the moment they saw us at our foster house and took us home ....
Little Cooper (formerly Teddy) and Roo (formerly Rowan)
Hello SCARS, I had to share an update on our two adoptees from SCARS because sometimes it takes dog to save another dog's life. We've had Little Cooper (formerly Teddy) about 9.5 years. He ....
End of the Road Puppies
March 5, 2022... Sometimes you think you are at the end of the road with no hope in sight and your courage is fading, when suddenly everything changes and there is a bright new path ....